マウス・バイオリン・クニィの円盤を作ろうとして失敗 |クニィ K'ny Kni



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マウス・バイオリン・クニィの円盤を作ろうとして失敗 |クニィ K'ny Kni





Instruments The fiddle K'ny
DThe fiddle K'ny is an example of the musical aspects of a kind of  exotism  and how msucial instruments get easily involved and implemented in different cultures, each claiming it to be its "own". The K'ny belongs to the GioRai group in central Vietnam. We actually find it in many  "traditional" (tourist) ensembles, for which the reason might be the outstanding idea in which the K'ny got famous as a "talking" violin:
The single chord of this monochord is attached to a wire which the player puts behind his teeth while playing. The player keeps this wire pulled, so that every wovel he speaks transmitts a serious of overtones and formants on to the bowed chord - thus producing a sound as if the violin would "speak".
This instrument is unique worldwide.

Mouth Violin Kni - Fretless
The Overtone Mouth Violin Kni is a traditional, mouth-resonating string instrument of the Giaray people of Vietnam.
This is the fretless Kni.
At one side of the string there is a small round plate which will be put behind the teeth while playing. The sound can be modulated by changing the volume of the mouth.
The Kni comes with a bag and the traditional bamboo bow.
Important: The bow needs to get treated with rosin (not included) before use.
A horsehair bow is optinally available.




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Tokyo, Japan
漫画家、自宅録音家。 代表作「怪奇カエル姫」「37564学園」。 2001年、いぬん堂からCD「アントニオ青年のエイリアンセックス体験」発売。 2013年、アメリカのMonofonus Pressからカセットテープ「Attack of the Killer Hamster」発売。
